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This heated vest is just right for winter outdoor activities like hiking, skiing, snowmobiling, ice fishing and more! My wife and I have been using an electric blanket for the last few years in our bed – and I don’t know how we ever did without it! I’ve been snowmobiling plenty of times where I was just chilled to the damn bone, and after the first time alone, I learned the importance of good hiking boots (from – but I was neeeever aware of actual heated vests! These heated vests run on lithium ion batteries no bigger than a pack of cigarettes and can keep you warm 4-12 hours! This is a great time of year to pick something like this up too – because you always get better deals at the end of the season! It might be a litle low-tech actually, but I love it!

[nms:heated vest,8,0,0,smorgas.heated.vest]