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You know, just when you thought that google had it’s hands in everything – this one comes up. Google has started their own completely free Directory Assistance phone hotline number 800-GOOG-411. It’s free, it’s quick, and it works. It’s weird too, because the cell companies like Nextel, Sprint, T-Mobile, and AT&T are getting $1.75 or more per call for directory assistance. They’re making a killing on that, which is why so many geeks started using 800-FREE-411. But with that service you get 20 seconds of commercial crap and then if the the automated service can’t fetch your number you are SOL, because they no longer have live operators. So, once again – it’s google to the rescue! That number shouldn’t be hard to remember thenext time you need to look a phone number up!

[tags]google, free 411, information, directory assistance, cell phone tips[/tags]