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Bionics, Cyborgs, and exo-skeletons are on the verge of being able to be sold to industry and the general public. Here are 5 different things that seem to be ripped from the movies and television right into reality.

I see incredible things based on new technology nearly every day. But I think back to when I was a kid and how we dreamed of flying cars, moving sidewalks, and laser pistols. The funny thing is, the things that are becoming reality seem to be ripped right out of the movies and television. Remember Robocop, the Bionic Man, and recently even Iron Man? These were all a combination of man and machine, whether an armor type “suit” or embedding robotics and electronics in a human.

Check out the Exo-Skeleton Suit. It can enhance what you do and allow a human to life ut to 10x more than their normal body strength. The military is testing other types of exo-skeletons that allow people to carry up to a 200lb payload with minimal effot and no load bearing. Unlike our childhood dreams of everyone having their own robot suit, this has real world applications. In my younger days I had a few factory jobs that required liftings where I would have killed to have something like this to assist me. I can see all kinds of applications for something like this, from a construction roofer to a stockboy at Wal-Mart. Also – they are already testing exo-skeleton designs for people that lost limbs. Imagine being able to wear an exo-skeleton instead of having to use a wheelchair!

When I was looking at exo-skeletons I saw some Cyborg Insects that were really scary. If they can make a robot moth that really flies, imagine the counter intelligence they could do with this! You wouldn’t be worried about hidden cameras anymore, you’d be worried whether bugs were spying on you or not. What would happen if a bird that normally ate months ate one of these?

Robots Swarms seem like something right out of a movie. They are little tiny robot modules that attach themselves together in a “swarm” and morph into something for a common goal. In a disaster this could be very helpful for saving people – but it’s so damn scary looking!

The Self Healing Chair I don’t believe is a realistic product per se, but more like an illustration of what robots of the future will be able to do. In some compacity robots of the future will be able to repair themselves, find the parts they need, and put themselves back together again. This really reminds of the Terminator!

This last one – the Self-Repairing Robot is really incredible to watch. I can’t even begin to put my finger on what this will be used for, but the unique ability of a robot to be able to create and build, and morph is unbelievable to watch.

We may not be living in the “Jetsons” age just yet, but technology is doing incredible things right under your nose! What incredible things have you seen lately that seemed to jump right out of a movie into reality?