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Asus Eee PC Review

Asus Eee – Linux Finally Beating the Piss out of Windows? The sale of new PC’s with windows is declining! The average person watching TV would think that Mac is winning this war, with all the “Mac vs PC” and the new Mac Airbook. Just read...

The Atom – Fastest Car on 4 Wheels?

Watch this BBC video of this car called the “Atom” that is one of the fastest cars on 4 wheels because of it’s design. It’s funny because it only has a supercharged Honda civic engine in it, but because of it’s light weight it can beat a... “Gets” the Web

I was checking my email today and I get my weekly email from NBC. I’m probably stuck getting emails from NBC in the first place because my wife used my email address voting for “Deal or No Deal” last year sometime. Usually just throw the email away...