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Believe it or not, the keyboard and mouse are outdated. I mean, come one – I’m 40 years old and I’ve been using a keyboard and mouse since I think 1981. That’s 28 years, and only two things have improved. One – my mouse is now cordless. And two, it no longer has a ball or trackpad – now it has a little laser light for tracking.

The only improvement in all this time has been touchscreens, which are no better since basically it’s just a single finger at a time. I’ve been waiting for a lot of things a very long time – things that I’ll probably never see in this lifetime. Like flying cars, jet packs, and vacations on the damn moon (or a trip to mars).

We’ve all seen that idiot Tom Cruise in “Mission Impossible” where he puts his fingers in the air and grabs shit and moves it all around in some kind of crazy air/windows/keyboard mess. If that crap was real it’s would just be a carpal tunnel lawsuit waiting to happen. I’m going to show you the future, right friggin’ now. A future where windows is actually IMPROVED – where you use all 10 fingers and not a shitty one-finger mouse. I mean for god’s sake – who’s idea was it to just have one damn pointer on your desktop anyway?! Nobody ever thought to experiment with two mice so you could have one for each hand. A damn Xbox or Playstation controller has more features than a modern mouse.

Anyway – watch this video. If you aren’t amazed I’ll be shocked. Be prepared – it IS 6 minutes, but it’s worth your time, because it shows the future. The future with no mice and a flat surface that you use ALL 10 FINGERS on to interact with the computer. Now only would the paradigm of computing change for the first time in 30 years if this were to become reality, but imagine – just imagine how the future of gaming and entertainment could change on the PC as well!

10/GUI from C. Miller on Vimeo.