I just love gadgets that stand out, and this pocket sized solar charger is no exception. As you see in the pics it comes with adapters for just about every major cell phone manufacturer, iPod, and mp3 player. It will work with anything you charge through usb connection as well. It has a built in rechargeable battery, so you can actually charge this thing when the sun is out (charging it’s battery), and then use it to recharge your iPod in middle of the night or in the car on the go!
This would be a VERY handy gadget if you were going on a camping trip, to the cabin by the lake, any just about anywhere that you won’t have the ability to recharge your gadget. You could use the solar panel to charge the battery in your windowsill at home, your car dash, or in your office at work (if you have a window). The entire thing is $25 including shipping on eBay, mine’s on order now!
[EASYBAY]solar charger[/EASYBAY]